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Five Signs You are Experiencing Trauma Drama

And What You Can Do About It If You Are!

Hey Badass Cycle Breaker!

👋 It has taken me years to discover how my past baggage has been impacting my present parenting. Above is a simple but powerful description of how our baggage shows up with our kids when we come from dysfunctional homes.

I will break it all down for you here as well:

Drained Emotionally

You may feel emotionally exhausted from taking care of everyone else’s needs while denying your own. You may stuff your emotions & get triggered easily when you child is difficult or explosive.

Rescuing or Fixing

You may feel responsible for rescuing or fixing your child’s feelings or problems. You may have a hard time allowing others to be fully responsible for the outcome of their choices because you want to “help” so much.

Approval Seeking (People Pleasing)

You may avoid disappointing others including your children and have a strong desire to please others in order to feel good about yourself. You may feel bad when people (including your children) are upset with you.

Mean Inner Critic

You may have very high standards, struggle with perfectionism and have a mean inner critic. You may struggle with negative self talk and focus more on what you (or your child) are doing wrong than right.

Actively Controlling

You may have a tendency to control your child’s emotions, behavior or environment to make yourself feel secure/safe. You may use threats, bribes and punishments to gain a sense of power over your child & to assert your authority.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you need to hear two things: (1) It is NOT YOUR FAULT and (2) There is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU or YOUR CHILD.

🎉You just need a plan and effective strategies to learn new patterns so you don’t pass your baggage onto your kids & thats exactly I want to help you do! 🎉

Claim My Free Session!

🎁 Watch the video above and check out my SPECIAL GIFT TO YOU!🎁

Over the next two weeks, I opened up 15 "Stop the Trauma Drama NOW!" Free Coaching Sessions🌟  (several people have been booked already!)

During this powerful 50 minute session, we will work together to:

  • Understand EXACTLY how your past baggage is impacting your present parenting with The TRAUMA DRAMA Assessment Tool.

  • Create a crystal clear vision for the kind of relationship you'd like to have with your kids.

  • Uncover hidden challenges that might be sabotaging your ability to get the respect you deserve and create an action plan to help you break through toxic parenting patterns.

🥳 You'll leave the session renewed, re-energized and inspired with a plan in place knowing you have the power to break generational cycles and create a new legacy for your family. Don't miss out, your transformation could be just one click away:)

Are you ready to get off the 🚌 struggle bus, 🚀skyrocket your confidence and 🦶kick family dysfunction to the curb?

🎊 If your intuition is screaming "hell yeah" click the "Claim My Free Session Now!" button and let's get you the transformation you've been longing for. I'm so excited to see you in the session!

Claim My Free Session Now!

See you soon!

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Cycle Breaker Parenting
Cycle Breaker Parenting
Evelyn Vieira